T h Corny A T G amIr R L

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

a thought on presidential candidates

I think I have mentioned before that I am a political news junkie, and quite often the news makes me furious. Today was no exception. Some of you may remember at the March political action conference of the American Conservative Union Ann Coulter referred to John Edwards as a "faggot." (Be outraged here.) On Monday she continued her personal attack saying that if she says anything about Edwards she'll say she just wishes "he'd been killed in a terror assassination plot." (Be outraged once again here.)

First of all, there is absolutely no reason that anyone should behave in such a manner. No matter how much one dislikes or disagrees with a person there is no excuse for name calling or wishing for that person's death. The level of political discourse by news/political commentators has become incredibly mean-spirited and lowered the level of debate all over the country. Sadly, politician, who have much better work to do, are left to defend themselves against personal attacks. Is that what we really want to hear about in the next presidential election?

Honestly, I am a fan of John Edwards. Certainly I know about the $400 haircut, his work for a hedge fund and his enormous speaking fee. But who hasn't made errors in judgment? However, those lapses in judgment aside, Mr. Edwards has an amazing drive for the eradication of poverty, and I strongly believe that his passion can help lead this country to a better place. He knows who he is and what he believes.

That is what I want to see in a candidate: emotion and passion. I want someone who is assured of his/her convictions and won't back down in a fight. I want someone with a bold vision that will do everything in her/his power to make it happen. I want someone who fights for the underdog with sincerity and integrity. I want someone who understands the delicate balance of human and environmental issues and has a vision for work on global issues. I want someone who puts a priority on education and helping people move successfully and permanently from welfare to work. I want someone that understands the concepts of human, educational, cultural, and economic capital.

Is this too much to ask? In this political climate perhaps so. But I can hope, I can back the candidate I most believe in, and I can make my voice heard.

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