T h Corny A T G amIr R L

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

sometimes you just need

a sappy movie! Okay, I admit it....I watched The Lake House. I know I'm completely jaded when the father-son scene didn't even move me. But the one thing that I did like about the movie was the use of time. I know that many people are critical about changing things that happen in the past, or the present, or whatever. But seriously, it's just a movie...and it's not like it's a masterpiece, it is simply 98 minutes of entertainment. But think about this: would you wait for two years knowing that the love of your life would be waiting for you at the end of that time?

1 comment:

Wild Cayuse Creek said...

I really liked The Lake House, because of the time idea. I am a true sucker for a love story like that. When she's crying by the mailbox on the end, on her knees... I've cried that way before.

And yes, I would wait, knowing that at the end of the specified period, my love would be there. Because neither of them really stopped living... they just allowed the right amount of time to happen.

I'm a sappy sappy girl.