T h Corny A T G amIr R L

Monday, June 25, 2007

a day of firsts

On Thursday night a pipe burst at little j's school; obviously she can't go to school for a few days. In addition she has strep throat, again. And of course Big J is out of town. So what can you do with a 4-year-old who is, as she says, getting over a sick in the middle of summer (don't worry, she's not contagious!). Our first major trip to the library!

little j got her own library card and signed up for the summer reading program. Then she got to pick out as many books as she wanted, which turned out to be about a dozen. And on our way out to the car I told her that we have a lot of books to read, and she said, "Well, that's good because I really want to learn to read." I don't think I need to tell you, dear readers, how completely happy that made me.

Our other first -- little j cooked dinner (mostly) by herself. We had scrambled eggs and toast, nothing too complicated. little j did nearly everything totally on her own with the exception of turning the toast and taking it out of the oven. She broke and beat the eggs. She buttered the bread. She cooked the eggs to perfection (under mom's watchful eye). After dinner she mixed up some pie crust for our special homemade pop tarts that we'll put together in the morning.

All in all, it was a pretty good day, with, as little j pronounced, "A really tasty dinner." I think tomorrow we might tackle something a little more adventurous -- Brussels sprouts!

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