T h Corny A T G amIr R L

Friday, August 01, 2008

Friday Random Thoughts

I don't have much interest in the mafia, but I have been reading WITSEC: Inside the Federal Witness Protection Program, and it is just flat out fascinating.

Big J and I took at look at little j's kindergarten yesterday; it is colorful and fun . . . I think I may be more excited than she is!

The weather has been hot and humid this week. Ahhhh.......Virginia in August.

Despite the heat and lack of rain, my garden is doing well. This may be my best effort since we've lived here.

It is downright amazing what a coat of paint can do in the kitchen. After painting our kitchen over two months ago I am still thrilled with the results.

The Dark Knight -- wow.

I picked up the bound copies of my dissertation this week. It's a book. There are a lot of words. I feel pretty darn smart.

I've grown to love Virginia thunderstorms and we haven't had enough this summer.

I'm back to working on research projects for my advisor, it's nice to be busy again!

I seriously need a new computer.

1 comment:

Wild Cayuse Creek said...

I, on the other hand, have an unnatural fascination with mafia, and have always had so. I think as a little kid, I wanted to be in the mafia.