T h Corny A T G amIr R L

Friday, June 08, 2007

Our garden

This spring we did a little garden moving and it has really paid off. Our tomato plants are nearly as tall as I am and they look so great. We've had tomatoes on for a little over a week now. We planted lettuce and basil where the tomatoes were and that is all doing well too.

It is this time of year, and especially now that little j is old enough to really help out, that I wish we had a bigger garden spot. We planted Brussels sprouts and we have some very small plants, but I think they would be much better in a larger garden spot not surrounded by daisies and purple cone flower.

The one thing that is really missing from our garden this year is scented flowers. It is nearly time to replace the pansies, so we need to look for something that will add to our patio. Today I learned of a new rose that I would love to add to our garden. I'm not generally a rose person, but I can't resist the Julia Child rose. It is a delightful butter yellow with a spicy scent which is reminiscent of licorice. The rose was approved by Julia before her death. I can think of nothing more that I would like to have in my own garden.

1 comment:

Wild Cayuse Creek said...

S and I looked at the Julia Child rose last weekend. I think we are going to purchase one for our yard as well.

Strange co-inky dinks.