T h Corny A T G amIr R L

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

feeling like a wife

On Friday Big J and I will have been married for 11 years (or, as we like to say, 10 good years). Last night was one of the first times that I felt like the traditional wife -- you know who I mean: June Cleaver, Donna Reed, etc. A feeling I found sort of odd after so many years together. Here's why:

Before we moved any work colleagues we had over for dinner were typically mine, then since the move Big J has no colleagues in his office. This week he is hosting a regional meeting and he invited two people over last night for dinner. So I spent the day preparing dinner, cleaning up the house and generally getting ready to play hostess. I was tangentially part of the dinner conversation, I cleared the table by myself, I put little j to bed, I cleaned the kitchen....and as I did all that (while Big J and guests sat at the table) I realized that there are women all over the world that do this regularly. There are actually husbands who expect their wives to do all the cooking, cleaning and childcare while they do whatever it is that they do. And while I don't mind playing that role on occasion (once every eleven years), I am exceedingly grateful that Big J and I are full partners in every aspect of our lives together. And that is why we've had ten good years.

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