T h Corny A T G amIr R L

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For Those Who Love Libraries

Yes, the on-line catalog search is convenient, but sometimes I miss the card catalog.  Our library still has card catalogs, but they aren't easily accessible.  Apparently there are a few faculty who haven't learned how to use the on-line system.  In some ways I don't blame them; it's the difference between an e-reader and a book (well, maybe not that extreme, but....well, whatever).

So, in the spirit of loving card catalogs, I came across this little web gem that allows you to create your own catalog card: Catalog Card Generator.

And here is my first creation (first of many!). 

Clearly I had a warm sleepy kitten on my lap when I came up with this.


Wild Cayuse Creek said...

I love libraries. Is there supposed to be something in your post?

That Girl said...

Posting glitch! It's up now!